Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an account to place an order?
No, you can place an order with just your email address. However, for a faster checkout experience, easy access to your wishlist, and order updates, we recommend creating a Prelegant account.
By creating a Prelegant account and making a purchase, you'll automatically become a part of our exclusive loyalty program, Elevate. Each purchase brings you closer to unlocking fantastic rewards, such as early access to sales, priority customer support, complimentary shipping, and a personal stylist at your service.
I've forgotten my password, what should I do?
If you've forgotten your password, click on the "forgot your password" link on our Sign In page and enter your registered email address or registered mobile number. You'll receive an email or OTP with instructions on resetting your password.
How do I receive Prelegant email updates?
Stay in the loop about new arrivals, trends, and exclusive promotions by entering your email address at the bottom of our homepage. Manage your email preferences easily in your account settings.
How do I place an order on your website?
Follow these steps:
Choose a category or brand from the top navigation menu or use the search function to explore specific styles or brands.
Select your desired item and click "Add To Cart." Once you've added all your items, proceed to checkout.
Sign in to your account or continue via guest checkout.
Enter your address, payment method, and delivery details to place your order. We'll confirm the order and keep you updated throughout the process.
Can I place an order over the phone?
Certainly! Our dedicated Customer Service advisors are here to assist you. Feel free to place an order over the phone with their help.
Can I cancel my Prelegant order or make changes to it?
Yes, you may be able to cancel some items (Within 30 Minutes after complete place order). Visit the refund section. If you placed an order as a guest and want to make changes, enter your guest order details.
Why is Prelegant pricing different?
Our pricing structure is a reflection of our distinctive business model at Prelegant. When you shop with us, you're accessing a curated selection of items from luxury brands and esteemed partner boutiques around the globe.
Prices are determined independently by each Prelegant brand and partner boutique. Therefore, the cost of the same item may vary based on its origin and your location. It's essential to note that placing an item in your shopping bag or wishlist doesn't secure it at a fixed price.
While we don't have direct control over price variations, we are committed to providing you with the best available price to your destination when you finalize your order.
To ensure you see the most accurate prices, simply select your delivery destination on our website.
Which currencies can I shop in?
The available currencies depend on your chosen delivery destination or selected currency, and you can confirm this during the checkout process. In cases where your local currency isn't available, your order will be charged in USD to offer you a competitive exchange rate.
When will my card be charged?
For payments made with a debit card, or credit card, Prelegant will initiate the payment process when you place your order.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept the following payment methods at Prelegant:
American Express
Feel free to explore our seamless shopping experience, and if you have any questions, our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you.
Will my personal details stay safe?
Certainly. We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your personal data at Prelegant. Rest assured, we keep your information private and do not disclose it without your explicit consent or unless legally required. For more comprehensive details, please review the Prelegant Privacy Policy. Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us. Cookie and Privacy Policy
Will you have my size again?
To receive notifications about a sold-out item returning to stock, visit the product information page. Choose your size from
the dropdown menu, select "size missing," and enter your email address along with the desired size.
Can I reserve an item to buy later?
In our commitment to fairness and providing equal shopping opportunities, we don't offer reservations, especially for our limited and highly sought-after items.
Are Prelegant items guaranteed authentic?
Absolutely. Our selection is meticulously curated from the finest luxury fashion brands and global boutiques, ensuring that all our items are unequivocally authentic.
How will my order be packaged?
Your order will be meticulously prepared in a secure Prelegant package. If the designer includes branded boxes, dust bags, or cases, these will also be part of the packaging.
At Prelegant, we ensure transparency about the condition of our pre-owned items, allowing you to make informed choices.
How much will I be charged for delivery?
The delivery charge varies based on the size, weight, and destination of your selected items. Excitingly, we offer a One Delivery Fee for orders above a certain threshold. This means you can order multiple pieces from different locations for a single fee. The delivery fee will be visible at the checkout.
Do you offer same-Day delivery ?
This service is coming soon.
Why can't certain items be delivered to me?
While Prelegant delivers globally, the availability of items is determined by the brands themselves, and some may not be accessible in all regions. Additionally, certain items may be restricted by local customs regulations. If you have inquiries, feel free to reach out to our global Customer Service team.
I didn't receive my invoice with my order. Where can I find it?
In our commitment to sustainability, physical invoices are no longer included with Prelegant orders. You can conveniently download your digital invoice by signing in to your account on our website. If you placed an order as a guest, access your guest order details in your email.
What is Prelegant’s exchange & Refund policy?
After receiving the order, you can request for the refund, return or exchange the product(s) within the 7 days..
Upon returning the product(s) to the relevant Partner, you will receive a full refund, inclusive of the initial delivery costs. Also you can request for an exchange or replacement of the product.
However return or refund will be only possible in case of -
Products with defects
Products damaged during shipment
Wrong product, size or color
Product lost in shipment
Note that for international returns please check the Return & Refund Policy page. Return & Refund Policy
How do I return my item?
Follow these steps:
Go to Orders & Returns if you have an account. For guest orders, enter your details. Find the order, click "Return Item(s)," and select items and reasons.
Choose one of two return methods based on your location.
Book a free returns collection: Select the collection address, number of packages, schedule a collection date, and click "Book Collection."
Prepare your return by placing items inside the Prelegant packaging, attaching the Return Label and, if received, attaching the Return Note outside the package.
Hand the Waybill Doc to the courier, and note the Waybill Number for tracking.
Ensure returns from different brands or partner boutiques are packaged separately with the correct Return Label attached to each Prelegant package.
How do I package my item for return?
Follow these steps:
Place unwanted items with any brand boxes or cases inside the reusable Prelegant packaging.
Attach the Return Label and a signed copy of the Return Note outside the Prelegant packaging. Avoid attaching labels to designer boxes or cases.
Does my order need to be returned in the Prelegant package it arrived in?
While we recommend using the reusable Prelegant package, if not possible, find a suitable box to ensure items are returned undamaged and unused, with all tags attached, including original packaging and branded boxes.
Will the courier collect multiple packages?
Yes, the courier may collect multiple packages, but each package must be requested separately through your account. For guest orders, enter your details here
When will I receive my refund?
Track your return using the assigned tracking number on your Return Label. After receipt by our brand or partner boutique, processing can take up to 6 business days. Once accepted, a confirmation email will be sent. Refunds will be processed to your original payment method, taking up to 14 days to reflect in your account, depending on your payment provider.
Can I return my made-to-order item?
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept returns for made-to-order items as they are crafted to your specifications.
What does pre-order mean?
Secure early access to the most coveted pieces of the upcoming season before they officially hit the market.
When will my pre-order item arrive?
Once your pre-ordered item is released and ready for dispatch, you'll receive an email containing the estimated delivery date.
When do I have to pay?
Full payment is required at checkout for pre-order items.
Can I cancel a pre-order?
Cancellation is possible for some pre-order items if done before order preparation. To cancel:
Visit Orders & Returns in your Prelegant account.
For guest orders, enter your order number and email here.
Select the items to cancel, providing a reason.
Receive confirmation of your canceled order.
If your order is prepared, cancellation isn't possible, but we offer a Free Returns service.
Can I change my delivery address?
Check Order Details in your Prelegant account to see if address changes are feasible. Changes may be restricted if your item is already dispatched.
Are pre-order items refundable?
Certainly, pre-order items are refundable, ensuring they comply with the conditions outlined in our Returns Policy.
Will pre-order items be delivered with my other orders?
No, pre-ordered items will be dispatched separately, aligning with their expected release date.
Is there a limit on purchasing pre-order items?
To ensure fairness and equal access, certain pre-order items may have order limits. This practice ensures everyone has an opportunity to acquire the items they desire.
Where can I find size conversion charts?
Explore our size conversion charts by clicking on Size Guide, located above the select size menu, on the product information page.
How can I get a better understanding of how a piece will fit?
Navigate to the product information page and select the Size & Fit tab to access details about size, fit, cut, and model measurements. The material composition and care instructions are available under The Details tab.
What's the difference between size, fit, cut, and material?
Size: The designer size specified on the label.
Fit: Describes how the item will fit on the body.
Cut: Refers to the silhouette of the item.
Material: Specifies the composition of the item.
To find this information, visit the product information page and explore The Details and Size & Fit tabs.
Why do designer sizes vary?
International sizes may have slight variations when converted, and different designers may have unique sizing standards. This is why we provide specific information for each item to ensure accuracy.
What if my item doesn't fit?
If your item doesn't fit, take advantage of our free returns service. If you wish to place another order, you can easily do so online or reach out to our global Customer Service team for assistance.